Sunsetting a Life


So much planning and fanfare takes place in the months prior to the birth of a baby. Turning a spare room into a nursery, planning for maternity/paternity leaves of absence, birthing classes, buying essentials like baby’s first car seat and diapers, cultural rituals like baby showers, and so much more. Unbeknownst to this new human being, there are so many people, places and wondrous things waiting for them when they arrive. From the moment they do, people greet them to provide safe passage into this world, to help them take their first breath of earthly air, and to place them in the arms of their adoring mother for the first time. 

As parents reach the sunset of their lives, caregiver daughters and sons will be faced with the inevitable reality of the impermanence of life. Without certainty of how or when, yet with far more awareness than when they made their debut, human beings must all depart this world. Prior to that day, compared to their arrival, there is often far less time spent on preparation and planning and positivity.  Just as we are ushered in, so too could we be lovingly ushered out of this world - with the help of an End of Life Doula. As they honor social traditions and spiritual perspectives around death and dying, these experts guide people through the last days of life and their support goes beyond what healthcare professionals or hospice provides, thereby easing caregiver burden. Doulas are devoted to assisting dying people in finding meaning, bringing comfort to their loved ones, creating a legacy project, and planning for how the last days of dying people will unfold.

Find an End of Life Doula here.



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Planning for a Caregiver Emergency


Continuity of CARE